Implementation of the HNS Convention and the 2010 Protocol

Reunión de coordinación sobre la ratificación del Convenio SNP

Posted: 02/01/2020

Por invitación del Ministerio de Infraestructura y Gestión del Agua de los Países Bajos, representantes de Alemania, Bélgica, Francia y los Países…

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South Africa accedes to the 2010 HNS Protocol

Posted: 17/07/2019

South Africa has become the fifth State to ratify or accede to the 2010 HNS Protocol, bringing this important treaty one step closer to entering into force….

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IMO and IOPC Funds discuss progress on the HNS Convention

Posted: 29/03/2019

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the IOPC Funds both reported on the progress towards the entry into force of the 2010…

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IMO workshop in London, April 2018

Posted: 27/04/2018

Over 40 States as well as various industry organisations attended a two-day workshop on the 2010 HNS Convention organised by the International…

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States urged to ratify compensation regime for Hazardous and Noxious Cargoes

Posted: 01/10/2016

The International Maritime Organization (IMO), together with the International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds (IOPC Funds) and the International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation…

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Workshop hosted by Canada, March 2016

Posted: 18/03/2016

Transport Canada hosted a two-day Workshop on the 2010 HNS Convention on 17 and 18 March 2016 in Montreal. The workshop had…

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