Preparations for the entry into force of the 2010 HNS Convention – Latest developments

Posted: 06/02/2023

As further States report positive progress towards accession or ratification  of the 2010 HNS Convention, the IOPC Funds Secretariat is increasing its activities and efforts to prepare for the entry into force of the Convention and the establishment of the HNS Fund.

A key focus is on developing an efficient and jointly approved system for reporting HNS contributing cargo, which is considered essential to facilitating entry into force of the Convention, as well as the effective functioning of the HNS Fund once established.  The Secretariat is therefore considering ways in which it can support States and their industry in managing the reporting process going forward.

As part of that initiative, the Secretariat has distributed two questionnaires which encourage Contracting States and those expected to soon ratify the Convention, to provide information on their domestic legislation regarding HNS reporting, to inform the Secretariat of any issues they have faced and to raise any questions they may have regarding some of the more advanced issues related to HNS reporting.

Further details and the questionnaires themselves are available here. The suggested deadline for completion of the questionnaires is 1 March 2023. Once completed, the information gathered will help the Secretariat to develop additional documentation clarifying certain aspects of HNS reporting, in particular terms such as the “Receiver”, the “Principal”, the “Agent” and other issues. It is hoped that the Secretariat will also be able to provide wider support, including helping States in identifying individual contributors.  At present, States need only report the total quantities of contributing cargo received, without specific details, but once the Convention is in force more detailed HNS reports and a list of companies will be required.

This matter will be discussed in detail during the HNS Workshop organised by Canada, IMO and IOPC Funds, and set to take place on 3-4 April 2023 (See here for further information).

Any questions or issues for discussion can be raised directly with the Secretariat at [email protected].